Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Penghambat Komunikasi

Quote --> “Apa sebenarnya hambatan-hambatan komunikasi? Kita sering melihat dua orang sahabat bertengkar hebat hanya karena masalah sepele. Banyak suami istri yang bercerai, padahal mereka saling mencintai, hanya karena ego dan tidak mau saling memahami. Organisasi bisa hancur dan pecah karena anggotanya tidak kompak. Dua pihak berseteru karena merasa yang paling benar. Semuanya itu berpangkal dari masalah komunikasi.”
(Source -->

My analysis about that quote:
Communication barriers? It makes communication between person to person or person to organization or organization to organization worse, and it can be caused a case, or many conflict between them. Communication I a very important thing, to share what we know, to tell about all information, no communication it means no social, and it also means no organization.
We often see two best friend fight just because of a little problem, many of the couples are divorce, because of the emotional that can’t understand each other. Why it can happen? There wasn’t a good communication between each other. They just keep their argument up. Not share their argument, they just keep it up.
An organization can be destroy, because of the miss communication. And the other side can think, he/she is the best one in there, so it base from the communication trouble. Communication barriers are not just a little thing.

The first one is Perception Differences. Every person has a different ability to interpret a quote or a statement. There are people who interpret a shout is an anger, but the other one interpret it as a discipline. Differences of perception is the reason why the two sides had a conflict, but it can be solved, you can discuss it with your friend, what’s the best for the case.
The second one is Cultural Differences. Every culture has their own rules, an their own habit, so between two culture it must be have many differences, and it make a personal contact. But this difference doesn’t make a big conflict/problems. Not like the first one, you can learn about the other culture, so you know the difference between yours and the others.
And then the third one is Basic Character. Every person has a different Basic Character, it can be easily offended, or soft character, slow character, or it can also be a relent character. They aren’t same, it’s opposite each other. You can imagine if they meet in one organization. It also can be communication barriers
The last one is Condition. Condition can be change all time, if the condition not good enough and you want to tell a bad news, the other one can be get the worst mood. But if the condition is well, the bad news that you want to share, can be easily solved, because the communication flows follow the straight ways.

So, before we want to communicate with the other, we have to see condition, and then share/tell them with follow their character, and learn about their culture, after get the way out, discuss your perception and the other perception, it can make a good decision, and it will solve the problems easily, so don’t forget about the factors of he communication. Communication barrier can be solve with good conference.
And the organization can develop from A to Z. it means from good to best. Because, communication is the main thing of the social, problem solved, and the other.

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